Grading Systems & Transcripts @ Sheridan
About Grading Systems at Sheridan
Students will be evaluated according to the specific learning outcomes described in the course outlines which include an evaluation plan. A grade will be issued for each course in which a student is registered and a report will be viewable via myStudent Centre after the end of each term to show the grades earned.
Learn how to access your Transcripts.
- Grading System
- Grade Point Average
- Viewing your Grades
- Historical Grading Systems
Grading System & Temporary Grade
Grading System
Grade | Alpha Equivalent | Descriptor | Grade Point Equivalent |
90 - 100 | A + | 4.0 | |
85 - 89 | A | 3.8 | |
80 - 84 | A- | 3.6 | |
75 - 79 | B+ | 3.3 | |
70 - 74 | B | 3.0 | |
65 - 69 | C+ | 2.5 | |
60 - 64 | C | 2.0 | |
55 - 59 | D+ | 1.5 | |
50 – 54 | D | 1.0 | |
F | F | Failure; below 50 or credit not earned | 0.0 |
S | Satisfactory; credit earned |
N/A | |
U | Unsatisfactory; credit not earned | N/A |
Temporary Grade |
Grade | Descriptor | Grade Point Equivalent |
I | Incomplete; course requirements outstanding where extenuating circumstances exist | N/A |
Grade | Descriptor | Grade Point Equivalent |
AG | Aegrotat Standing; credit granted | N/A |
AS | Advanced Standing; credit granted | N/A – this designation excludes courses from the calculation of the GPA |
BT | Block transfer. This designation is used to identify a series of courses which have been used to satisfy a transfer agreement | N/A |
CTN | Continuing; course taught consecutively over two or more terms | N/A |
FNE | Failure, never-evaluated; registered but did not submit any work for evaluation and did not officially withdraw; credit not earned |
0.0 |
NG | No Grade; no grade assigned | N/A |
TM | Enrolment Terminated; dismissed on grounds of breach of academic integrity | 0.0 |
W | Withdrawal; withdrew from subject officially with no academic penalty | N/A |
Grade Point Average
Course Grade | Grade Points | Credit Value | Weighted Credit Value | ||
90 - 100 | 4.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 12.0 |
85 - 89 | 3.8 | x | 3.0 | = | 11.4 |
80 - 84 | 3.6 | x | 3.0 | = | 10.8 |
75 - 79 | 3.3 | x | 3.0 | = | 9.9 |
70 - 74 | 3.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 9.0 |
65 - 69 | 2.5 | x | 3.0 | = | 7.5 |
60 - 64 | 2.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 6.0 |
55 - 59 | 1.5 | x | 3.0 | = | 4.5 |
50 – 54 | 1.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 3.0 |
0-49 | 0.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 0.0 |
Calculation of Grade Point Average
The following rules apply when calculating a student's GPA:
- Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated per term and over the student’s entire academic history with Sheridan.
- Program Grade Point Averages (effective 2008) are calculated per term and for the specific program.
- Program Grade Point Averages are based only on the courses that make up the program of study.
- Courses re-taken will have grades from all attempts recorded on the transcript; however, only the highest grade will be used in the GPA calculations.
- Grade Point Averages are weighted calculations based on the grade received and the credit value of the course.
An example of a weighted GPA is:
Course Grade | Grade Points | Credit Value | Weighted Credit Value | ||
95 | 4.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 12.0 |
77 | 3.3 | x | 3.0 | = | 9.9 |
71 | 3.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 9.0 |
65 | 2.5 | x | 3.0 | = | 7.5 |
62 | 2.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 6.0 |
53 | 1.0 | x | 3.0 | = | 3.0 |
Total | 18.0 | = | 47.4 |
GPA = Total Weighted Credit Value ÷ Total Credit Value
Based on example above:
47.4 ÷ 18.0 = 2.6 GPA
GPA & Academic Standing
GPA & Academic Standing
There are seven types of GPAs at Sheridan. Sheridan uses different types of GPAs to calculate academic standings, depending on the credential. See the Academic Standing page for further details.
- Program Term GPA*: Grade Point Average of all courses taken within a program for a given term. Program term GPAs are included on the students’ online grade report.
- Program Cumulative GPA*: Grade Point Average of all courses taken within a program for all terms. Cumulative GPAs are included only on printed transcripts.
- Program Core Term GPA**: the Grade Point Average of all core courses taken to meet the program requirements for a given term.
- Program Non-Core/ Breadth Term GPA**: the Grade Point Average of all non-core/breadth courses taken to meet the program requirements for a given term.
- Program Core Cumulative GPA**: the Grade Point Average of all core courses taken to meet the program requirements for all terms.
- Program Non-Core/ Breadth Cumulative GPA**: the Grade Point Average of all non-core/breadth courses taken to meet the program requirements for all terms.
- Cumulative GPA**: Grade Point Average of all courses taken over the student’s entire academic history with Sheridan.
* Applies to certificate, diploma and degree programs
** Applies to degree programs only
How to View Your Grades
- Login to myStudent Centre.
- Click on the Academic Records tile in your dashboard.
- In the left-hand sidebar, click on View Grades.
- Click on the academic term you want to view.
- To change terms, click the Change button on the top-left corner of the page.
- Your Program Cumulative GPA (4) represents the average of all the grades you have earned in your program to date.
- Your Program Cumulative GPA is used to determine if you are eligible to graduate.
- Your Program Term GPA (5) is the average of all the grades you have received for a particular term.
- Your Program Cumulative GPA (4) represents the average of all the grades you have earned in your program to date.
PLEASE NOTE: Students should refer to the GPAs listed under this Grades section. The GPAs listed in the Academics section of myStudent Centre are for Sheridan's administrative purposes.
Historical Grading Systems
Previous System: September 2017 to August 2020
Grade | Numeric Equivalent | Description | Grade Point Equivalent |
Final Grades | |||
A+ | 90-100 | 4.0 | |
A | 85-89 | 3.8 | |
A- | 80-84 | 3.6 | |
B+ | 75-79 | 3.3 | |
B | 70-74 | 3.0 | |
C+ | 65-69 | 2.5 | |
C | 60-64 | 2.0 | |
D+ | 55-59 | 1.5 | |
D | 50-54 | 1.0 | |
F | F | Below 50, unsatisfactory, credit not earned | 0.0 |
S | Satisfactory, credit earned | N/A | |
U | Unsatisfactory, credit not earned | N/A | |
Temporary Grades | |||
IP | Course in progress | N/A | |
I | Incomplete; course requirements missing or outstanding | N/A | |
SU | Eligible for supplemental assessment | N/A | |
M | This designation is used to identify a missing grade which has not been entered by the end of the academic term | N/A | |
Other Grades | |||
AG | Aegrotat Standing; credit granted | N/A | |
AS | Credit granted for advanced standing | N/A | |
BT | This designation is used to identify a series of courses which have been used to satisfy a transfer agreement. This designation excludes the courses from the calculation of the GPA | N/A | |
NE | Registered but did not submit work for evaluation and did not officially withdraw; credit not earned | 0.0 | |
NG | No grade assigned | N/A | |
TM | Enrolment terminated on grounds of academic integrity | 0.0 | |
W | Withdrew from subject officially; no academic penalty | N/A |
Click the section headers below to view grading systems for previous years.
February 2005 to August 2017
Grade | Numeric Equivalent | Description | Grade Point Equivalent |
Final Grades | |||
A+ | 90-100 | 4.0 | |
A | 80-89 | 4.0 | |
B+ | 75-79 | 3.5 | |
B | 70-74 | 3.0 | |
C+ | 65-69 | 2.5 | |
C | 60-64 | 2.0 | |
D | 50-59 | 1.0 | |
F | Below 50, unsatisfactory, credit not earned | 0.0 | |
S | Satisfactory, credit earned | N/A | |
U | Unsatisfactory, credit not earned | N/A | |
Temporary Grades | |||
IP | Course in progress | N/A | |
I | Incomplete; course requirements not complete. | N/A | |
SU | Eligible for supplemental assessment | N/A | |
Other Designations | |||
AG | Aegrotat Standing; credit granted | N/A | |
AS | Credit granted for advanced standing | N/A | |
BT | Block Transfer | N/A | |
NE | Registered but did not attend or submit work for evaluation and did not officially withdraw; credit not earned | 0.0 | |
E/I | Repeat designation; "I" included in the GPA, "E" excluded from the GPA | N/A | |
NG | No grade assigned | N/A | |
TM | Enrolment terminated on grounds of academic dishonesty | 0.0 | |
W | Withdrew from subject officially; no academic penalty | N/A |
2001 to January 2005
Grade | Explanation | Grade Point |
A+ | 90-100% | 4.0 |
A | 80-89% | 4.0 |
B+ | 75-79% | 3.5 |
B | 70-74% | 3.0 |
C+ | 65-69% | 2.5 |
C | 60-64% | 2.0 |
D | 50-59% | 1.0 |
F | below 50%, unsatisfactory, credit not earned | 0.0 |
AS | Advanced standing | N/A |
AU | Audit | N/A |
CE | Credit earned through continuing education | N/A |
CR | Credit earned at Sheridan College | N/A |
EX | Exempt from written exam | N/A |
I | Incomplete grade, coures requirements not complete. Incomplete 'I' grades are converted to 'F' at the end of the following term. |
N/A |
IP | Course in progress | N/A |
NA | No midterm assessment | N/A |
NG | No grade | N/A |
S | Satisfactory, credit earned | N/A |
TM | Enrollment terminated (on the grounds of academic dishonesty) | N/A |
U | Below 50%, unsatisfactory, credit not earned | 0.0 |
US | Below 50%, supplemental privileges granted | N/A |
W | Official withdrawal | N/A |
1975 to Summer 2001
Grade | Explanation | Grade Point | 1975 - 1993 | 1975 - Summer 2001 |
A+ | 90-100% | 4.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
A | 80-89% | 4.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
B+ | 75-79% | 3.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
B | 70-74% | 3.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
C+ | 65-69% | 2.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
C | 60-64% | 2.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
D | 50-59% | 1.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
F | Final grade carries academic credit shown Below 50%, unsatisfactory, credit not earned |
N/A N/A |
✔ x |
x ✔ |
AS | Advanced standing | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
AU | Audit | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
CE | Credit earned through continuing education | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
CR | Credit earned at Sheridan College | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
Honours | 'A' in at least 45% of the total credits for the program and no less than 'B' in the rest | N/A | ✔ | x |
I | Incomplete grade, coures requirements not complete. Incomplete 'I' grades are converted to 'F' at the end of the following term. | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
IP | Course in progress | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
M | Midterm grade only – carries no academic credit | N/A | ✔ | x |
NA | No midterm assessment | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
NG | No grade | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
Pass | No grades of less than 'D' in any prescribed course | N/A | ✔ | x |
S | Satisfactory, credit earned | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
TM | Enrollment terminated (on the grounds of academic dishonesty) | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
U | Below 50%, unsatisfactory, credit not earned | 0.0 | ✔ | ✔ |
US | Below 50%, supplemental privileges granted | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
W | Official withdrawal | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
X | Advanced Standing – Community College | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
Y | Advanced Standing – University | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
Z | Advanced Standing – Other | N/A | ✔ | ✔ |
1967 to 1974
Grade | Explanation | Grade Point |
A+ | Exceptional Achievement | N/A |
A | Very Good to Excellent (75-100%) | N/A |
B | Good (66-74%) | N/A |
C | Average to Satisfactory (56-65%) | N/A |
D | Minimum passing grade (50-55%) (unsatisfactory in major) | N/A |
F | Failure (less than 50%) | N/A |
AG | Pass by Aegrotat. Course not completed, but pass granted for compelling reasons. | N/A |
AS | Credit granted for advanced standing | N/A |
AU | Audit | N/A |
EX | Exempt from written exam | N/A |
I | Incomplete | N/A |
NA | No Assessment | N/A |
P | Pass | N/A |
W | Withdrawal | N/A |
WF | Withdrawal – Failing | N/A |
WP | N/A | |
* | Withdrawn – Passing | N/A |